It’s been a while since I posted any comments, and needless to say, it is because of time! I have added a new piece called “Medusa Two” and I replaced the original image of “Medusa One” with a better photo (thanks Janelle!). I have been very busy with the Children’s Medical Center project in conjunction with the Dayton Visual Arts Center, and this last weekend was creating gung-ho when the lights went out! Now, those of you in the state of Ohio will understand why I lost power. An unusually long and severe windstorm came through our area – remnants of Hurricane Ike – and knocked out power to roughly two million folks across the state. My lights disappeared on Sunday afternoon, and returned today – Wednesday- at midday. As I turned onto my street this afternoon, I was greeted by three utility trucks, and all three drivers grinned at me and gave me a “thumbs up”. Good news: electricity!

What I found interesting about the lack of light was the quietness. I am a person who enjoys solitude and quiet, but after a few days I found myself wishing for some noise.  I also missed the news; our local newspapers were also affected, so we have been receiving scaled down versions of the local papers.

Now that things are back to normal I can return to my studio and get back to work. In addition to the pieces for the medical center I am collaborating with a local glass artist, Susan Cannon. We are creating a large Medusa piece (for some reason I have gotten hooked on Medusa). Her hair will be made of glass. I think it will be pretty cool.

I will save the rest of my thoughts for another post so I don’t bore my readers. I still plan to create a new category on Arts Integration – a very important issue currently – one I feel passionately about.

Until next time,
