I haven’t posted in a while, but that doesn’t mean I have been idle! It is always a decision between working in the studio or communicating about working in the studio, and honestly, making art usually wins. I just finished a new piece that I had been working on for a show here in Dayton; I was having trouble resolving it, so I nixed it for that particular show to work on it further. I finished this collage yesterday and I think it is much better now. As soon as I photograph it (using my new light system) I will put it up for all to see.

I am almost finished with the Medusa shown in “Works in Progress”. Poor Medusa … she got put on hold while I finished other projects that had firm deadlines.  Now I can wrap her up and return to another Medusa that is on the canvas ready to start.

I have a show coming up in November for which I plan to have all new pieces. I sketched the first one out yesterday, so that project is started. And last night I worked on another idea that I have been making notes on for quite some time. More on that later.

Just a reminder that all my work is for sale, and that you can find it here as well as on [email protected].  The Etsy site at this point is primarily notecards, but the Etsy advantage is Paypal!

Feel free always to contact me with questions, requests for workshops, art sales, etc. I’m always here! And please, support your local arts venues. Where is the richness of life without the arts?