I will be traveling to Columbus, Ohio on April first – no foolin”! – to call on our state legislators, lobbying them to increase, maintain, continue, build, etc. their support of the arts in our state. April 1 is Arts Advocacy Day and I will be part of a significant Dayton contingent from all the major arts groups, small and large, as well as community supporters and individual artists like myself.
Arts related businesses are a significant part of our state’s income, as well as important to quality of life. Now, I know if you are reading this that you are already somewhat interested in the arts and that in essence I am preaching to the choir. HOWEVER, what I am interested in is your comments, thoughts, statistics, and personal experiences regarding the positive impact the arts have had on you or someone you know. I want as much data as possible to take with me to Columbus.
IN ADDITION, I am working on an article or series of articles about the importance and impact of the arts, and if you contribute an anecdote, I may ask your permission to use it in writing.
So, please, add your voice to the rest of us who love the arts. More voices raised in active support will add color, texture, and power to our songs! (here I am, a visual artist using music metaphors!)